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Supplementing C rich foods with ascorbate

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 9:00 am
by llmercll
Hello everyone,

I was wondering if anyone here supplements alongside with say, eating an orange, kiwi, or red pepper. Basically any C rich food. It's intuitive to believe that taking C alongside a naturally rich C food may increase its absorption, making it somewhat more similar to a "complex".

What do you think?


Re: Supplementing C rich foods with ascorbate

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:19 am
by ofonorow
In my opinion, the "complex" exists in foods to preserve the reduced vitamin C which is otherwise subject to break down.

From the research I have read, if you want to get the most out of the vitamin C you eat, and there isn't enough in foods to be useful (compared to what animals can make for themselves) -- ergo, you must supplement -- you should not eat vitamin C with carbohydrates (as carbs make VC breakdown in the gut). On the other hand, one should eat vitamin C with protein (e.g. amino acids) because the aminos "chelates" the C - protecting it in the gut, and making more VC enter the blood stream intact. (Ref. Sherry Lewin, Vitamin C: Its Biology and Medical Potential, 1976)