Reinfection from Contact with One Individual

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Reinfection from Contact with One Individual

Post by Anjuli » Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:41 am

I thought I had my immune system up to speed since I am fighting a skin rash right now and taking high dosages of Lypo C plus Lysine-C.

But I saw my parents yesterday and I am sick as a dog again today for about the 8th time in the past 2 years!

This is driving me crazy. Every time I see my father and stepmother since my father had a stent put in at the VA hospital 2-3 years ago I get very ill. Headache, nausea, shakes, all the symptoms of a bad flu.

I finally had to tell them why I was avoiding getting together with them.

I have searched the internet for a year and the only thing I can find is MRSA but what else could this be? Has anyone else ever experienced something like this? I don't think it's in my head.

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Re: Reinfection from Contact with One Individual

Post by Johnwen » Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:46 pm

Here's some reading ?????????????????
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is


Re: Reinfection from Contact with One Individual

Post by Anjuli » Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:36 pm

Thank you for the reference. I am moderately well versed on the views of illness in different cultures and I am open to the suggestion that I'm being cursed whether it is by a germ or something else!

Of course it is possible that my reaction to my parents is psychosomatic but in this case I would rule it out due to reasons which aren't relevant here.

What I have been searching for on the internet and through forums are other cases where someone becomes ill after being around specific people they see infrequently. These other people logically may be carriers of a bacterial or viral infection which reinfects the person who gets ill.

The study of germs, microbes, etc. reveals that people can be carriers their entire lives which they may not ever physically manifest but which can be transferred to another human being.

I just need the correct search string to find some answers.

I felt better after 15G of Lypo Spheric C and hourly grams of oral C. If that doesn't do it I don't know what to do.


Re: Reinfection from Contact with One Individual

Post by SEADOG » Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:00 pm

Does this happen by their mere presence or by physical contact? And do you recover when they are gone? I have experienced something similar when in the presence of certain people (close relatives). I feel feverish, malaise, drained of energy and at times low grade fever lasting for several weeks though all tests and consultations with GP's are normal.
My wife believes this phenomena is something akin to the 'evil eye' mentioned in Johnwen's link. In Indian folklore, dried chillies are swept around the victims body and burnt to ward off the 'evil' influence. Though absurd, I have observed some merit in this procedure. During such episodes I have tried 50 gms of VC per day to no avail.
I would be keen to know if you come across any answers.


Re: Reinfection from Contact with One Individual

Post by Anjuli » Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:09 pm

Seadog, I'm sorry that you have to go through this but glad that I am not the only one.

This reinforces my belief that we are not experiencing voodoo. This is is a viral or bacterial infection, I am convinced of it, though I have spent weeks using some of the following search strings on google to figure it out: "asymptomatic carrier infectious disease" "dizziness malaise nausea" "MRSA reinfection" etc. and still come up empty handed.

And no amount of Vitamin C seems to stop it. I took 20 lypo c's today and close to 20 grams of oral C and I still feel weak, dizzy, and nauseous. I am up so late because of the BT effect of the oral C.

I refuse to take antibiotics or be sick for a week or two and drop all my activities to spend time with them, however much it may hurt their feelings. This was the last time. If they feel offended that's too bad. I have already made suggestions that they be tested to see if they are carriers of something. My father spent a lot of time in the hospital and rehab facility for his stroke and complications and my stepmother was there with him. I visited them too although they live far away and I am caring for my chronically ill spouse (a whole other story) and running a business at the same time.

I wish somebody would read this post and give us a clue as to what might be going on. The symptoms hit me within hours of having contact and worsen every hour until it peaks within a week and then lessens off.

All this week I have been studying infectious diseases and it is an appalling story what mankind has had to deal with. People today do not understand that these sicknesses can spread off a damp towel or on the droplets of a sneeze. We as a western society have become so used to seeing sickness as unusual and tend to blame it on the sick person, whereas in the past it was more common to be sick and dying or to know the sick and dying in nearly every house in the town. Babies and children commonly died before reaching adolescence, and living past 40 or 50 was uncommon.

People need to wake up. The Black Plague, leprosy, cholera, malaria, smallpox, and HIV are not caused by casting spells but by real viruses and bacteria.

If there is bad juju coming at me when I see my father and stepmother I can't imagine where it came from as they are ordinary people (he was a real estate broker and she a schoolteacher), has there ever been bad blood? sure but it happens in all families and nothing unusual has occurred. Have I ever suffered from an illusory illness? Doubtful. I have a strong will and I don't make myself sick for the heck of it and I fight any illness with every weapon I can get my hands on.

But I have an open mind. If waving some burning herbs around would take care of this problem tell me where to buy them.

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Re: Reinfection from Contact with One Individual

Post by Johnwen » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:29 am

Instead of focusing on pathogens start looking at allergens.
Such as, could your parents have animals perhaps they have their cloths Dry cleaned.
Do they have a problem with mold in their house.
Is their house located near field or forest.
Maybe they have asbestos insulation in their house ETC.
I think you get the Idea!
In the mean time rather then driving yourself up a wall prior to the next meeting with them about two days prior start taking an anti-histimine and continue taking it for about two days after. If that solves the problem good if not try a face mask.
Good luck!!
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is


Re: Reinfection from Contact with One Individual

Post by Anjuli » Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:01 am

Great idea, thank you. I will take an antihistamine when I get home from the store (going back on a nearly raw diet again since I experienced no colds/flus during that five year time period).

AND the skin infection is about gone!! The Vitamin C took that out (so far) which is good news for the friend who unwittingly shared it with me and the rest of her family.

Allergens. A whole new area of exploration.

Still willing to try the burning herbs, too (seriously).


Re: Reinfection from Contact with One Individual

Post by Anjuli » Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:15 am

At 6:00am right now I gave in and took the first 2 tablets of a Z-pack of antibiotics.

Whatever it is I am getting from contact with my parents isn't going to be killed off by Lypo Vitamin C or oral Vitamin C, at least not in the quantities I've been taking.

I took 10 Lypos a few hours ago and woke up at 4:30am with abdominal cramps and that icky sick feeling.

After reading numerous posts on this board it seems that some resort to taking drugs when all else fails. I have too much to do to be sick right now.

The Lypos took care of my skin lesions, thank God, but the flu got me.

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Re: Reinfection from Contact with One Individual

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:59 am

If the issue is not an allergen (vitamin C is a strong antihistamine) think about getting more vitamin D, especially from the Sun or a UVB lamp. I won't repeat my story, but I used to get ill every winter despite my very high vitamin C intake - until I began using UVB lamps in winter. Miraculous improvement in my immune system.

This may be one of the topics that contains my multi-year UV/B lamp story:
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Reinfection from Contact with One Individual

Post by Ozsurvivor » Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:45 pm

In researching my atherosclerosis I came across research that found Chlamydia pneumoniae bacteria in artery plaque. Dr. David Hahn is doing research on this and treated the author of the article on the linked website. The bacteria is suppressed by antibiotics but not cleared as it lives inside the cells. It can be detected by DNA fragments. A long term application of specific antibiotics is required to clear it. As the author of the article reveals, he got reinfected.

You mentioned your Dad had Stents, hence he should also have plaques and possibly bacteria growths. The site is * (just remove the * )

Alex (Australia)


Re: Reinfection from Contact with One Individual

Post by Ozsurvivor » Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:54 pm

Oops. author did not relapse, but warned of re-treatment if symptoms returned.


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Re: Reinfection from Contact with One Individual

Post by ofonorow » Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:17 am

In researching my atherosclerosis I came across research that found Chlamydia pneumoniae bacteria in artery plaque.

Even if true, it fails as the cause of (most) atherosclerosis for the same reasons that high cholesterol or fat in the diet fail.

First, atherosclerosis is caused by a lesion in the wall of the artery. This means that to be the cause, these bacteria must be able to cause the lesion. Very well, but why always near the heart, where the blood pressures are highest? Why outside the heart, but never within the heart itself, etc.? And why only in humans, guinea pigs and high order primates such as the gorilla? Why never in the ears or fingers?

The Willis/Pauling/Rath lack of vitamin C leads to weak arteries, leading to the lesion caused by mechanical stress of the heart beat is still the best explanation that fits most of the facts that I am aware of.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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