Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by rasarver » Sat Jun 26, 2010 6:43 am

There has been a whooping cough epidemic in California that infected over 900 people and caused at least five deaths. See http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,595186,00.html
Whenever I see an article like that about infectious diseases I sadly think of lack of use of vitamin C and vitamin D to prevent and/or cure these diseases. I have added 600 mg of N-Acetyl Cysteine twice a day to the sixty or so supplements I take each day. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
For the record, my wife and I are 63 years old, take no prescription drugs, both healthy with no significant disabilities, supplement heavily and rarely visit a MD. Life is good!

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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by Lemonaid » Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:39 am

It really is a shame. Bowl tolerance/Lypo-C and/or I.V. C would save these people.

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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by sweetjames » Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:34 am

The cough hits young children the hardest, there is a vaccine out, i recommend anyone in California get one, including myself.

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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:18 am

??? You must read Dolev's book before recommending vaccines :shock:
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by sweetjames » Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:24 am

What is the name of it?

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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:37 am

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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by cynthia386 » Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:49 am

Why did these 5 kids die of a disease that is rarely fatal? What was the victim profile? Were these white middle class kids who had been breast fed? Or were the deaths among minorities who are unfortunately more prone to disease (probably due to nutritional factors)? Were the kids vaccinated?

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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by sweetjames » Sun Jul 18, 2010 7:10 am

All great points

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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by rasarver » Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:46 am

Were the kids breast fed, were they minorities, vaccine status, etc.--these are questions that will always (at least during our lifetime) exist but the point is that most viral diseases such as whooping cough can be cured by the proper application of vitamin C. A major part of the current medical establishment's problem is that they ask these questions and then shrug their shoulders when such deaths occur (pointing to questions asked in the post) rather than using vitamin C to cure the disease. There was no reason for the five children to die (whether or not they were breast fed, were minorities, had or not been vaccinated, etc.) except that the medical establishment refuses to use vitamin C in proper amounts. We don't have to wait for all children to have proper nutrition, be fed breast milk, be vaccinated, etc. We already have the cure but do not use and I think it's criminal.

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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by cynthia386 » Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:51 am

Why? Because the news media hysteria is to convince everyone to get their kids vaccinated. And if most of the kids were vaccinated, then vaccines aren't helping. If most of the kids were badly malnourished and lacking in C, D, magnesium, and zinc; then clearly the hysteria should be about malnourished kids.

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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by sweetjames » Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:09 pm

rasarver says, Criminal- good luck making that stick, lets hope they would have more evidence then your oppinion, or they"d walk free for sure. The points that Cynthia made are all important points that matter.

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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:24 am

sweetjames wrote:rasarver says, Criminal- good luck making that stick, lets hope they would have more evidence then your opinion, or they"d walk free for sure. The points that Cynthia made are all important points that matter.

??? It is his opinion not a statement of fact. However, it raises an interesting point. Should it be a crime of medicine ignores a possible cause and treatment because there is no financial incentive?

What if someone dies who would otherwise live?

What if 100 people die who would otherwise have lived?

How amount many millions? Is that a crime or can they hide behind ignorance?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by rasarver » Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:54 pm

I think it should be criminal and it is immoral to ignore inexpensive, safe, easy to use and effective preventions and cures. I think of vitamin C and many diseses (especially viral diseases), vitamin B3 and schizophrenia, most mental illnesses (see http://www.orthomolecularvitamincentre. ... hrenia.php), vitamins C and D and cancer, magnesium and cardiovascular disease, and the list goes on and on. When I think of these things (the diseases and simple nutritional cures) too much my stomach literally becomes upset and I become angry. The suffering, disability, financial burden and early deaths caused by the medical establishment's refusal to use nutritional cures should be criminal in my opinion. Sometimes I think "Well, I can't blame the docs because they are just covering their butts. They have years of education, training and as a result med school bills, debt for starting a practice, etc. and they must protect themselves." Then I think "in my state (TN) some docs give IV vitamin C (25 grams is usual). It is not illegal. All docs could give vitamin C for viral diseases in some form in addition to standard treatments. It is rare for a doc to recommend a patient take vitamin C in any form. Docs are supposed to be smart. If they are ignorant of vitamin C's benefits it is gross ignorance (they have all heard of treating with vitamin C) and the results are unforgivable. Docs run the medical system (they eventually get what they want) and it is their fault that the standard treatments don't include adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. Even if standard treatments don't include vitamin C, individual docs could and should do it."

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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:14 am

I generally agree, but as devil's advocate, their training is designed to make them believe there is no value in simple nutrients. As I have pointed out, after going through a 300 level course in "Therapeutic Nutrition" at a college where 80% of the graduates go on to medical school, vitamin C was not mentioned even once in the class! (I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone). So these kids (medical students) are led to believe from their course work that there is nothing of real value in the claims for vitamin C, otherwise they would have been taught something about it. A major part of the problem is the nutrition curriculum in med and pre med schools. The other problem is the constant propaganda. Later, as they practice, there are the constant drone of anti-vitamin stories in the press. False and slanted stories obviously designed to reinforce the idea in doctor's minds that all claims for nutrients are false. (Take the recent Reader's Digest hit piece as a prime example.) This does not fool everyone, and there are some cowards in the medical profession, but it is not as if all doctors are very aware and ignoring vitamin C.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Whooping Cough in California Kills 5 (no use of vit C)

Post by sweetjames » Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:12 am

Doctors often dont see a patient until there is a problem, and by then meds are needed, most doctors arent against vitamins, and many are for them, but it is their responsibility to be the one that knows about meds and studies only medical treatment, we need specialists in the medical field, i want my doctor focused only on what he specializes in and not trying to be a jack of all trades and master of none, there are natural doctors that do differnt vitamin therapies but the main stream of health care doctors needs to focus on only FDA meds and specialize in that field. Ultimatly it is the patients choice what route to take, i recently talked to a ICU doctor who once went to a lecture where the one and only Linus Pauling spoke, he said it cost twenty thousand dollars and that he felt it wasnt the best way for him to help people, we all have our calling and we should focus on being the best we can at it, if a patient chooses vitamin c treatment there are plenty of resources to take that route.- Unfortunately most people are motivated by money and things become less then honest to make the big buck, although this foundation sells vitamins, Owen does not push buying from the foundation and takes time to be a help, thank you for that Owen, but the idea that no natural treatment is available is less then accuarate and misleading. No criminal activity is taking place, just people doing what they beleive in and people making choices what route they want to take. Unfortunatly the government that leads the show is corrupt and the ones guilty of breaking the very laws that they enforce upon the people.

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