Benzene in soda and ascorbic acid

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Benzene in soda and ascorbic acid

Post by Guest » Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:11 pm

This has been in the news again. I remember the issue surfacing back in 1990.

The soda and beverage industry uses a chemical called SODIUM BENZOATE and POTASSIUM BENZOATE as preservatives for these products to inhibit bacterial growth.

The problem is when ASCORBIC ACID is added along with these two chemicals that the molecules change to form

I do believe I have seen these two ingredients in gatorade and mountain dew among many others.

I am not attacking ascorbic acid at all, so dont misunderstand as I am a proponent of ascorbic acid, yet we cant take ascorbic acid as a seperate supplement when these other additives in processed food products negate the ascorbic acid and what we hope to acheive in terms of health and longevity.

It is the benzene derrivatives that I have a problem with, as this is a powerful industrial solvent well known for its carcinogenic properties. Next time you go to the auto parts store read the ingredients in brake cleaner, parts cleaners and automotive solvents. You will always see" benzene" and a huge warning label about carcinogenic effects. BENZENE DERRIVATIVES DO NOT BELONG IN OUR FOODS.

Once again the FDA says there is nothing to worry about. Other scientists disagree. This is yet another good example of how lobbyists of food industries, dairy industries and chemical industries push these substances through the FDA with a rubber stamp with a disregard to the health of the unsuspecting public, especially children, to make a profit.

These children today will face more health problems than we here as adults do to the fact that we have not had the time exposure to chemicals such as benzene derrivatives or rBGH, (recombinant bovine growth hormone) in dairy products for as long as they will. These children will grow to young adults with chronic health problems and be oblivious to the cause and that will in turn fuel the pharmacuetical industry.

We have become a nation whos most valuable gross domestic product is the creation of disease and the treatment of disease. Remove that and our economy would collapse.

Just look at Walgreens or CVS pharmacies for example. Tons of junk food in the front of the store and a pharmacy in the back of the store. What a brilliant marketing plan.

Yet every time I see a new construction project or strip mall, what is it but a Walgreens or a CVS and a medical clinic. They are springing up everywhere.

I am convinced that most of the cancer and disease you see in our society stems from the food and dairy industries.

I have no trust whatsoever in the FDA, the USRDA, the ADA, the AMA etc. They are controlled by powerful corporations with influence to do what ever they like and then turn around and lie to the public about it.

I agree with Senator John McCain that industry lobbyists have run amuck in Washington D.C.

YOu are your only front line defense when it comes to your health and what you consume.

The Organic Consumers Association, (OCA) carries a book on their website about the list of harmful chemicals added to food products. Well worth purchasing as it can help you when you go to the grocery store to avoid these things.

Take care.



Post by Guest » Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:14 pm



Re: Benzene in soda and ascorbic acid

Post by zucic » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:49 am


It is hard to dissolve benzene in water. But the rest of the content is junk
anyway. Natural foods normally do not contain any phosphoric acid, for

Benzene becomes totally miscible with water if temperature reaches 570 K
or more. Of course, the pressure of 200 bar is required to keep water dense


Re: Benzene in soda and ascorbic acid

Post by blueskymyne » Fri Apr 07, 2006 5:04 pm

zucic wrote:

It is hard to dissolve benzene in water. But the rest of the content is junk
anyway. Natural foods normally do not contain any phosphoric acid, for

Benzene becomes totally miscible with water if temperature reaches 570 K
or more. Of course, the pressure of 200 bar is required to keep water dense

I do agree that the phosphoric acid is a strong bone de-mineralizer and soaring amounts of refined sugar which makes pancreatic insulin spike. Subtract the high sugar content of these products and you would taste the overwhelming acidity of these products. No wonder it dissolves tooth enamel in short time.

Benzene/derrivatives may not dissolve in water following the protocol you mention but what about fat cells of the human body which store toxin and liver accumulations of toxins via filtered blood, or blood plasma.

Even if the protocol is followed once the ascorbic acid is added in the factory process it negates the protocol because the molecules of sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate reverts back to benzene as this takes place in the product container.

Not to argue, just my opinion.

You must be a chemist? But I agree. Junk product.

Take care.


Re: Benzene in soda and ascorbic acid

Post by zucic » Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:08 pm

blueskymyne wrote:Benzene/derrivatives may not dissolve in water following the protocol you mention but what about fat cells of the human body which store toxin and liver accumulations of toxins via filtered blood, or blood plasma.

Even if the protocol is followed once the ascorbic acid is added in the factory process it negates the protocol because the molecules of sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate reverts back to benzene as this takes place in the product container.

I agree. I think that the issue of benzene in soda may be used to compromise
ascorbate and to divert attention from really satanic content of some beverages.
Our body must be very confused with refined sugar without complex sugars
or in the so cold "light" version with neurotoxin aspartame, not to mention
other ingredients.

In fact, we probably get more benzene from the air (cars, even cigaretes ...).

I am physicist (biophysicist). I was shocked in December 2004. when I learned
for the first time how much ascorbate animals produce every day. This important
information is carefully hidden from students, even medical students.


Re: Benzene in soda and ascorbic acid

Post by J.Lilinoe » Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:21 pm

zucic wrote:I am physicist (biophysicist). I was shocked in December 2004. when I learned
for the first time how much ascorbate animals produce every day. This important
information is carefully hidden from students, even medical students.

It scares me to know that the medical students are still not well informed about Vitamin C. :x How long will this nasty practice of keeping vital information from med students going to last?
All the more reason to question the MDs every time they recommend drug upon drug to supposedly
"improve" the health of patients.


Re: Benzene in soda and ascorbic acid

Post by zucic » Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:41 pm

J.Lilinoe wrote:It scares me to know that the medical students are still not well informed about Vitamin C.
How long will this nasty practice of keeping vital information from med students going to last?
All the more reason to question the MDs every time they recommend drug upon drug to supposedly
"improve" the health of patients.

Well, I think that pharmacists are educated even worse. I know that they scare
people to take more than half gram of vitamin C daily. I like to provoke them:
I like to behave like naive buyer, asking what will happen to me if I take more
than 500 mg daily. The answers are very interesting.

I am abusing my physics course to inform future MD's that vitamin C is not


Re: Benzene in soda and ascorbic acid

Post by J.Lilinoe » Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:02 pm

zucic wrote:
I am abusing my physics course to inform future MD's that vitamin C is not

You will be doing we human beings a HUGE favor in educating future "health" care professionals about Vitamin C. Its kind of too late for the rest of us who now must suffer under the control and direction of current medical professional ignorance. My mom's doctor told me the other day, that high dose (5 to 10 grams per day) of Vit C was toxic even when I told her that it was water soluable and did not last long in the system. Yet she has the gall to tell my mom to take calcium for her bones without knowing that calcium overload causes calcification of arteries leading to high blood pressure that cannot get down to normal levels even while my mom was on atenolol (beta blocker). :x


Re: Benzene in soda and ascorbic acid

Post by zucic » Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:49 am

J.Lilinoe wrote:My mom's doctor told me the other day, that high dose (5 to 10 grams per day)
of Vit C was toxic even when I told her that it was water soluable and did not
last long in the system.

I think that most MD's know that water soluble vitamins and provitamins are
just flushed away if not used. Most standard books for medical students are
flawed. There is a book called pharmacology Bible:
Goodman & Gilman's "The Pharmacological Basic of Therapeutics".
In its tenth edition, there are 2148 pages, yet no space to mention Linus
Pauling or the amount of ascorbate which animals make per unit of body weight.
There is a hysterical title "Lack of Clinical Effectiveness of Megadosage", but
even there Pauling is not mentioned. Here is a short citation from this

"Any preventive benefit that might be derived from such use of ascorbic acid
seems small when weighted against the expense and the risks of the
megadosage treatment..." (followed by famous oxalate stones quasi-horror).

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Don't Fall for the Myth

Post by ofonorow » Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:31 am

Please don't fall for the myth that what makes vitamins toxic or non toxic is their water solubility.

I think that most MD's know that water soluble vitamins and provitamins are just flushed away if not used.

The idea that fat soluble vitamins are potentially harmful, because they remain and build up in the liver, is nonsense. I am convinced that the reason the liver stores these vitamins, such as vitamin A, is because of their vital importance. This liver storage "feature" allows us to survive during periods of vitamin A deficiency. The best reference is the authoritative book "VITAMIN A DEFIENCY by Sommer. Children in the third-world who do not get vitamin A die terrible deaths, usually from infections after they go blind. These children are saved with a single shot of vitamin A which costs pennies. These shots range from 100,000 iu to 500,000 iu. This is a great triumph of medical science, but we rarely hear about it.

Dr. Don Davis of the University of Texas studied vitamin A toxicity and found only one recorded death in the medical literature. The gentleman was drinking gallons of carrot juice and obtained an estimated 3 million iu of Beta Carotine/VItamin A.

Vitamin B6 can cause noticable toxic effects in some people, at least one form of the vitamin can, yet B6 is water soluble. (These effects are not serious, and will subside when the high dosage is lowered.)

Vitamins, unlike trace minerals, are for all practicle purposes non toxic.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Post by CPlus » Mon Apr 10, 2006 9:25 am

The Benzene/soft drink story was on the TV news in the UK recently, and I was staggered to see a spokesman (not sure for what organisation) comment '...why do they need to put so much vitamin C in soft drinks, you get plenty from a normal diet..' as if vitamin C was the dangerous additive! Unbelievable.



Post by zucic » Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:20 pm

CPlus wrote:The Benzene/soft drink story was on the TV news in the UK recently, and I was staggered to see a spokesman (not sure for what organisation) comment '...why do they need to put so much vitamin C in soft drinks, you get plenty from a normal diet..' as if vitamin C was the dangerous additive! Unbelievable.

Yes, great FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) attack! Completely diverting attention
from really bad things!


Re: Don't Fall for the Myth

Post by zucic » Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:41 pm

ofonorow wrote:The idea that fat soluble vitamins are potentially harmful, because they remain and build up in the liver, is nonsense. I am convinced that the reason the liver stores these vitamins, such as vitamin A, is because of their vital importance.

Dr. Don Davis of the University of Texas studied vitamin A toxicity and found only one recorded death in the medical literature. The gentleman was drinking gallons of carrot juice and obtained an estimated 3 million iu of Beta Carotine/VItamin A.

Strange, I thought that Beta Carotene is converted into vitamin A on demand.
The only story I found before was the one about Xavier Mertz, polar researcher
which was (presumably) poissoned with vitamin A (from Greenland sled dogs).
But Mertz was buried in the snow so there was no autopsy.

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Davis Paper -

Post by ofonorow » Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:29 pm ... html#DAVIS

Davis wrote:It seems to be common "knowledge" that vitamin A supplements and polar bear liver have killed many people. The medical article cited above says that deaths have occurred "on occasion," and cites two references for this statement. However, no deaths are mentioned in either reference. A letter from one author of the article graciously acknowledged these errors of citation, but stated that "clearly" deaths have been reported since the time of the original polar explorations. Significantly, he gave no references.

Polar bear liver is well known to sometimes cause brief toxicity, but apparently without fatality.[4] Vitamin A supplements have been used-and sometimes abused-for nearly half a century, but there seems to be only one fatality recorded in the English language.[6],[9] He was Basil R. Brown, Ph.D., a 48-year old chemist in England. Convinced that carrot juice or vitamin A supplements would help his various minor ailments, he took large doses over a 6-year period prior to his death. Despite medical warnings and serious illness, he took up to a gallon of carrot juice daily and an estimated average of over two million IU daily of retinyl acetate during one 3-month period. His cause of death was stated to be liver cirrhosis, accompanied by severe jaundice and liver enlargement.

May need a password. Send me a PM if you want to read the entire article
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


vitamin A

Post by blueskymyne » Tue Apr 25, 2006 5:05 pm

I do know that synthetic vitamin A and natural vitamin A such as found in cod liver oil and fish liver oil are two different substances as far as toxcity and doseage as they are fat soluble.

I avoid synthetic E and A.

I use a brand called "Carlsons". "Carlsons E gems" has the most complete non synthetic forms of all the tocopherols.

For Vitamin A I use a combination of Carlson's cod liver oil and NKO, Antarctic krill oil. Krill oil has many times the antioxidant power of Coq10. But I dont disregard coq10. This is the best way to obtain the fat soluble vitamins. I take enough of both to get 250mg of DHA. So its a great way to obtain the A, E and DHA.

The cod liver oil also has the much needed yet neglected form of vitamin D3.

You really notice a difference in the skin after about 2 months of use by the way.

Vitamin A, Ascorbic acid, glutamine, arginine, b-group vitamins, glycine, cystiene (NAC), vitamin E.

All of these amino acids and vitamins bind to toxins and hormones in the liver in the phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification channels.

They are then moved to one or both of the excretion channels for elimination.

This is where the hormones from meat and dairy, antibiotic residues from meat and dairy, antibiotic residues from your treatments, over 1500 food chemical toxins are processed as well as many other toxins that enter the body such as underarm antiperspirants, water contaminants, air contaminats etc, etc. Many of these are stored in fats of the liver.

In order to move these out of your liver you must have these substances available in the body to bind and excrete.
Without these molecular substances in place they simply stagnate and accumulate causing other unrelated harder to diagnose problems of the body. Mainstream Doctors always neglect the liver and the colon as two organs which accumulate waste products and cause so many diseases.
Cleaning both these organs are easy.

To clean the colon takes three months. I used the Dr. Natura kit. It works great and would highly recommend this to anyone. Dr.

Visit Dr. (the liver doctor) and learn about the detox channels of the liver.

After you do this just avoid milk and dairy derrivatives to prevent this from reacurring. Make sure your meat is antibiotic free, hormone free, free range fed.

Visit organic consumers association(oca) to find an organic supplier in your area just enter your zip code. Also learn about the huge list of toxins the food industry puts in the food supply.

This makes are efforts with ascorbic acid much more effective. Eliminating rBGH dairy and derrivatives cuts a huge amount of the genetically modified fats out of the arteries. These fats have been altered by the use of rBGH the result was an altered fat molecule in essense it became MORE fatty. This should help explain the obesity problem in the United states. Keeping these fats out of your body will drastically reduce if not eliminate heart disease, strokes, cancer impotence etc.

Obtain your calcium/magnesium from dark green vegetables not milk. Milk only allows an 11% percent uptake of calcium due to the low magnesium in the milk. Calcium cant be absorbed without its partner magnesium. This is the marketing of milk that you need it to obtain calcium. A myth. How does a 1200lb steer develope huge bones without drinking milk?

Minerals passed through the ground and into the vegetation.

Take care

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