lypospheric for 6.5 yr old flu/pneumonia not working

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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lypospheric for 6.5 yr old flu/pneumonia not working

Post by wendypape » Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:02 pm

We've used the lyopspheric c for the last year and a half with our family. Prior to that I used it after having attended Dr. Huggins clinic for a dental revision 4 yrs ago. Prior to this I found the sodium ascorbte or the vitamin c foundations ascorbic acid easy to guage saturation with bowel tolerance. The lypospheric is more difficult and sometimes I almost htink it's not working !

In this instance my daughter came down with a crazy hot fever about 9 days ago and then vomitted. We dealt with that quickly with high dose of the lypo, a bit of lugol's, and som eoi l of oregano. She seemed fine the next day but I kept her home quiet for a couple days. Whether she picked up something new (petting zoo maybe) bam 5 days after this she starts into the coughing at night. She used to be prone to croup for years (after having had pertussis as a baby), and it sounded alot like this. I have NEVER been able to beat croup with C of any form, d, oil of oregano and zapping EVER...only with homeopathics.

So I upped the lypo - 1 every hour, she was fine during the day and at nightfall back to the barking, but with some spritzing of peroxide in her throat, some d and oil of oreano on her feet she slept thru the nigght. Next day 6am back at it- wow. Doubled up on the lypo - 2 at a time, every couple hours. Same thing that night.

It's not getting any better. She is laughing and playing durin the day, I'm juicing veggies, wheatgrass etc. during the day, raw foods, we homeschool so she's not going out to activites.

I'm sitting here listening to her again and I have to think, seriously how much of this can I give her??? The poster above is right, there isn't much info about the lypo and that is dreadful. We saw results with the sodium ascorbate and whooping cough- turned us around ona dime. The lypo has cured my husbands herniated disc (when all esle failed) after a debilating and crippling year (15-18 paks a day it took).... but he's a 230lb guys! I would love to find someone that can give me dosage instructions for the lyp!!! If anyone kows of someone that can offer support, 'd love to hear it. In the meantime I feel like I should switch to the sodium ascorbate or ascorbit acid. Any thoughts would be appreciated! thanks (my aplogies, my keys are sticking!)


Re: lypospheric for 6.5 yr old flu/pneumonia not working

Post by wendypape » Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:36 pm

I should have asked, do you know if Dr. Levy does consults at all? perhaps he would be the one who would know? thank you, WEndy

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Re: lypospheric for 6.5 yr old flu/pneumonia not working

Post by ofonorow » Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:20 am

Dr. Levy reads and if he doesn't see this and email me, I'll ask him.

However, everything you said (as I digested it) tells me the Lypo-C is working fine for your child, i.e.,

She is laughing and playing durin the day

The fever is gone right?

A cough simply means that the body's immune system is in high gear, and it producing a phlegm (a mucous.) (If there really isn't anything wrong, then this is more like an allergy.) But I presume there are vestiges of the virus around that her body is detecting, and the coughing is a detoxification mechanism (by way of expelling the mucous/phlegm (hopefully with the irritant attached) that is being produced in greater quantities.

I know myself that I can have symptoms people usually associate with "illness", such as a persistent cough, with no other symptoms. Physicians (and parents!) are simply not experienced with the changes in symptoms of high vitamin C takers.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: lypospheric for 6.5 yr old flu/pneumonia not working

Post by wendypape » Thu Feb 24, 2011 6:26 pm

The fever is gone right?

Well yes...however that doesn't necessarily mean everything is fine. Take walking pneumonia for instance. Fever and most symptoms are already gone and the child/person is 'walking or PLAYING around with pneumonia'.

A cough simply means that the body's immune system is in high gear, and it producing a phlegm (a mucous.)
There is NO phlegm. Itt's just a wretched barking violent cough at night (mostly from the larynx from what I can tell)...what smidge did come up once was streaked with blood.... so lot's of things to consider. I did take her to our alternative elderly MD to have a listen. He's given us some combination homeopathic remedies and bronchial cream and we will see if that can move us forward. I spoke to a father and several others at karate this evening (where she picked this up). He had it for 4 WEEKS...others 2-3 weeks too and they are all saying it was just debilitating. So we are holding ground thus far ;-)

(If there really isn't anything wrong, then this is more like an allergy.)
While I can appreciate this thought, I am very familiar with allergies/sensitivities. This isn't a 'nagging cough''s a violent gut wrenching choke and gag at the end THAT IS NOT GETTING BETTER- very similar I might add to whooping cough - but without the whoop. (although we've already had that years ago) As someone that uses and has used high c, high d, oil of oregano, lugol's, homeopathy, herbal tinctures, herbal teas/infusions, hydrogen peroxide, colloidal silver, ozone therapy (but my machine is being fixed!), uropathy....I can say that I can count on 1 hand the times in the last 9.5 yrs my children have had coughs that I cannot improve or eliminate quickly. Doesn't mean they don't slightly linger for 3-5 days after, but always mild and you can see the shift and that it gets better right away....not get worse. The only thing that has ever compared to this is croup and whooping cough.

t I presume there are vestiges of the virus around that her body is detecting, and the coughing is a detoxification mechanism (by way of expelling the mucous/phlegm (hopefully with the irritant attached) that is being produced in greater quantities.
Ummm yes, but I would feel better if there was phlegm. Whooping THAT was phlegm...this there is nothing. Well...what secretion there is only comes in the morning from her nose - and ONLY 1x of blowing and it is thick but not green!

I know myself that I can have symptoms people usually associate with "illness", such as a persistent cough, with no other symptoms. Physicians (and parents!) are simply not experienced with the changes in symptoms of high vitamin C takers
Well I'd like to think of myself as a veteran high C user LOL After using 'high dose' vitamin c (I used to buy by the kilo ;-)) for myself 15-20g a day for a year, plus high dose c for illnesses in all of us for the last 6 (after we started high dose C when nothing else would help th whooping cough), I have never seen any kind of 'reaction' to vitamin c like this. I do not believe this is from the C at all. If anything, it's not enough C and the virus is still thriving and that is what concerns me.

Years ago I had a sore throat like no other....I took like 15+ packs daily (as well as all the other remedies) of the lypospheric vitamin c and it still kept coming...where in the past the sodium ascorbate I would take hourly and usually before hitting bowel tolerance the sore throat would be gone (much like the post pain from the full dental revision-it took 10 hours but by the time I was done the flush I was completely pain free everywhere in my body for the first time in weeks!).... I stopped using the lypo C because I really doubted it's 'true' claim of the comparison of the 2 vitamin c's. In my head I can't help but think maybe it's not as strong as claimed and therefore not as effective because it hasn't been given in high enough doses. Whereas you can understand the simplicity of the sodium ascorbate or ascorbic powder by knowing exactly how many grams you are dealing with and with all the historical vitamin c research and information it is possible to compare how you are treating etc. Not sure if this makes any sense ;-) We started back using the lypo again because of it's ease of convenience and the videos from Dr. Levy etc. thinking ok, we'll give this a try, as well as concern over whether there can be long term issues with high dose sodium ascorate use.

Anyhow, thanks for the input, much appreciated.

i look forward to reading/learning more on the lypo.


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Re: lypospheric for 6.5 yr old flu/pneumonia not working

Post by majkinetor » Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:45 am

The lypo has cured my husbands herniated disc (when all esle failed)

Mhm, could you provide some more info about this, since my mother in law has this and nothing worked so far (you can pm if you don't want to go offtopic).

More on topic, I didn't find so far any form of Vitamin C useful for croups. Interestingly enough, sometimes even opposite happens - I get croups after taking Vitamin C (its currently happening and Ehinacea and honey with cinnamon seemed to help more). The same with my wife (she also had whooping cough as a child). I didn't use Lipospheric C, altho I plan to do DYI version.

Owen wrote:A cough simply means that the body's immune system is in high gear, and it producing a phlegm (a mucous.) (If there really isn't anything wrong, then this is more like an allergy.) But I presume there are vestiges of the virus around that her body is detecting, and the coughing is a detoxification mechanism (by way of expelling the mucous/phlegm (hopefully with the irritant attached) that is being produced in greater quantities.

Didn't Cathart said that high IV doses of C stop all symptoms like this ? His hypothesis was that, IIRC, high IV doses attenuate adaptive immune system. Since, according to Levy, lipo is close or better in effect to the IV, this is clearly different from Cathart IV experience.


Re: lypospheric for 6.5 yr old flu/pneumonia not working

Post by DonHarry » Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:20 am

Unless I am mistaken, you say that symptom suppression is good during the day, and it is only during the night that they properly present? This would indicate that the lipo C is having the desired effect while it is being consumed.

The only thing I can see that is different at night is the fact that regular C is not being administered. The rate at which ascorbate seems to be being utlised during the day would indicate that whatever illness your daughter has is severe enough to demand a substantial amount of ascorbate. I'm assuming dosing is not continuing through the night, therefore it would be reasonable to assume that the most recent doses of ascorbate before bed are being depleted without being replenished. One could argue that perhaps the dependence of ascorbate coupled with the abrupt cessation of dosing is allowing the illness to progress in the night, and then be suppressed during the day. I can only imagine that the normal 'rebound' effect associated with ascorbate is being confounded by the increased demand for ascorbate during times of illness.

I could certainly be wrong about this, but it does seem logical in my opinion....

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Re: lypospheric for 6.5 yr old flu/pneumonia not working

Post by gofanu » Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:17 am

See here:
Note the amounts of Vit C given.

I am perhaps old school, and I have little money so tend to keep to the "original" (usually cheaper) methods, That means ascorbic acid in this case.

My daughter had Dr Klenner's recommended per year of age and never had this condition. Anytime we sensed ANY disease she got double or more the usual daily dose until it was gone (no more than a day til it WAS gone, ever, and then somewhat above usual maintenance for a few days so it didn't come back.)
I and others have followed the same procedure for any "sore throat" things, and have prevented the appearance of any noticeable symptoms so long as I've kept the ascorbate up. I have also deliberately not taken C when everyone around me had similar conditions, until I showed symptoms, then "titrated" the symptoms for days by taking or not taking C. It is possible to balance the dose to the disease, but you can make the disease go away at will by increasing C dosage and maintaining it for a couple of days. Klenner did this with viral diseases in his children.

This is usually a viral disease and should be treated as such, per Klenner and Cathcart. Might also make sense to incorporate Foster's observations re selenium.

Since treatment (by Drs) frequently involves corticosteriods, pantothenic acid is also a good idea, as it allows endogenous production of cortisone, which is not toxic like exogenous forms. I have used several grams /day for various infections. In this instance perhaps 500mg with each dose of C. Croup is caused by a narrowing of the airways due to tissue swelling, not by mucous formation. The cortisone reduces this swelling. However, gasping for breath will dry things out and add irritation, especially if there IS mucous formation due to associated bacterial irritations. And dry mucosa are prey to all and sundry passing infections.

B vitamins in general, but especially B6. Keep magnesium levels up, since mg is necessary for cellular energy production, and this is a highly stressful situation.

Don't forget that it is likely MORE stressful for parents than for the child!

LOTs of liquid! Urine must be nearly colorless (except bright yellow about an hour after taking B2). It is quite amazing how much liquid is lost by overheated houses, heated beds, and overclothing/blankets, especially in a disease condition.


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Re: lypospheric for 6.5 yr old flu/pneumonia not working

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:26 pm

Very impressive replies, don't you think Wendy? Especially DH observing that night-time lack of ascorbic acid may be key, but all good advice (I was reacting to the comment that she was happy and playful and had assumed mucous.)

Of course, another cause of a cough can be some kind of lesion in the throat/lung.

So it makes sense to increase Lypo-C just before bed. (If you find a good time release form of ordinary vitamin C that works, please let us know.) Even if a "lesion" has appeared on the throat, C can help with ordinary healing.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: lypospheric for 6.5 yr old flu/pneumonia not working

Post by wendypape » Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:01 pm

absolutely everyone, thank you. Interesting that I had discovered that when my 2 yr old wakes with this cough (very mild in comparison) in the night I would simply give him a C and he'd stop coughing and go back to sleep ;-) (we all just take it straight from the package) but never thought to connect the dots.

So yes, I thought about it what DH said and thought I bet he's bang on!! abut 7pm we usually ease up on the C, she gets ready for bed. Between say 9-10 it's really bad if she is still awake. (we homeschool so we sleep in ;-)) Once she is asleep it only flares up a few times now. I didn't have a time released so just woke her up and gave her the package of lypospheric c. Within 5 minutes the cough was gone and she was back to sleep. I think I did that twice last night...hard to recall as I don't think any of us compeltely woke up. Even my toddler was practically still asleep but he knew what he was doing with the C LOL NOw he just gets me the box when someone coughs LOL

I especially liked the reminder about fluids! Sometimes in the thick of all this I forget to have her consume water. I struggle with it myself! She's been drinking raw vegetable juices and ginger tea, herbal teas but not the same as water. Plus I have commented to her dad she hasn't been drinking water. I remember reading Your Bodies Many Cries for water years ago and have tried to keep on them with the water. They've never had pop or storebought juice/koolaid stuff- but I do find they get sidetracked with the smoothies or carrot/spinach juice etc. So thanks to the reminder I have specifically been handing her glasses of room temp water! I could swear the cough changed last night and it is definately better today (hardly at all-except if she is upset/crying)......mind you we've been gone for alot of the day, which I also noticed Thursday when we had to be gone from the house most of the day. She didn't cough after we left, at the museum, or in the car. As soon as we walked back through the door she started coughing as did my 2 yr old. We've been told we have mold and have done some research etc. to figure out how to check and/or repair if we do find it. For now it's best not to open our walls up just yet.

Additionally we are living on plywood downstairs and we are dealing with a mouse issue AGAIN (think mouse poo YUK) and possibly squirrels above our bedroom ? or something large enough to be playing!!! They've been there for months but my husband kept telling me they were mice...til he finally heard them!!!!! I've been growing wheatgrass and sprouts in the basement too maybe my crops have taken on some mould. I've been super careful with my crops and they are very lush and wonderful but....who knows. My hose leaked all over the basement floor the other night and my husband had to shopvac it and cut out some drywall that got wet. (there is no carpet thank goodness) We have fans going to dry it out, but I'm sure this might be making the situation worse! Makes me want to take off to Florida for a couple weeks for some sun and fresh air ;-)

I'll know more tonight to see how the cough is. I haven't let up on the C, and we have been using the homeopathic remedies our anthroposophical MD gave me and perhaps that is helpiing too.

Thank you all for your input.


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