High Lp(a), throbbing pain in lower torso

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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High Lp(a), throbbing pain in lower torso

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:33 am

PLEASE HELP! I am a 48 year old woman, with relatively good health. My total cholesteral is 223, HDL is 91, Triglycerides 69, LDL is 118, Lipoprotein (a) is 220! For at least 10 years now, I continue to have a throbbing, aching pain in my lower torso and down my legs, feels like heavy inflammation. I also get very tired alot. I exercise 30 minutes a day/3-4 times a week, but am not always consistent with a good diet. I take a multi vitamin, fish oils, amino acids, vitamin C. Just don\'t know if I am taking the right amounts. I am 5\'9\" and weigh 145 pounds. I know my lipo (a) is at a dangerous level. I am concerned that my arteries are very clogged. Can this be reversed? Please instruct me on taking the correct vitamin therapy. I pray that there is still hope for me! I have had these mystery pains for years! Thank you so much!

Your Lp(a) number must be nmol/liter ?!! (Where above 70 is high.) So the number (if measured) is high, and yes, you should be taking the Pauling/Rath invention of so-called Lp(a) binding inhibitors. At the correct dosages, vitamin C and lysine and proline will make the otherwise "sticky" Lp(a) inert.

How much vitamin C are you taking? The correct dosage is 6000 to 18000 mg and if that causes too much gas/diarrhea - there are liposomal products such as LivonLabs.com Lypo-C.

The therapeutic dosage of the amino acid Lysine is 5000 to 6000 mg.

Here is a protocol to follow to learn how much ordinary vitamin C you can take


More is usually better.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: High Lp(a), throbbing pain in lower torso

Post by Johnwen » Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:12 am

First she needs to get on PT ASAP!!

Second chronic inflammation can cause LP(a) to rise while the other markers such as CRP an IL's will show normal. Since she has been experiencing a long term discomfort it would be a good assumption she has some kind of chronic inflammation also a high hdl level indicates her body is trying to react to the problem. She needs to get a good bottom end physical to rule out any kind of Female problems and a good exit (rectal) exam. If they don't find anything then this link below will give her some more ideas to address this problem.
Good luck to her!

http://www.womentowomen.com/inflammatio ... ation.aspx
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Re: High Lp(a), throbbing pain in lower torso

Post by scottbushey » Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:13 pm

High Lpa is not necessarily a problem. It is the type of LPa. Large fluffies are fine, the small dense buggers are a problem. The only way to change this is to change your diet to a diet that reduces inflammation, i.e. Paleo. Ditch all the grains!

~High cholesterol is not really the issue; it is the type of LPa you are strapped with at the moment.

Statins - The Dark Side - YouTube

Cholesterol and Heart Disease - YouTube

The Cholesterol Myth and the True Cause of Heart Disease - YouTube

* Cholesterol myth exposed! They made it up to sell more drugs! - YouTube

Here's a primer that is helpful:


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Re: High Lp(a), throbbing pain in lower torso

Post by jknosplr » Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:14 pm

Time to make the kool-aid!

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Re: High Lp(a), throbbing pain in lower torso

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 31, 2011 3:43 am

Thank you for getting back to me. I actually spoke to Sally yesterday, and ordered Heart Tech. How much time would you estimate it would take to significantly lower my Lp(a) using this product? After all these years of searching, I am still finding it hard to believe that I can reverse the damage that has been done. I have had tremendous unexplainable pain......and I pray this is the answer! While I wait for the shipment to arrive, I am taking 10,000 mg of Vitamin C and 6,000 mg of Lysine in tablet form. Hopefully, the Heart Tech will be even more beneficial!

Thanks again,

Less than 18 months for the Lp(a). I wish we knew better, and I am trying to run an experiment on a woman with very high lp(a). (Trying because she has been on the PT for two weeks, has not yet achieved bowel tolerance (is up to 30,000 mg vitamin C), but we are having trouble getting her an Lp(a) test for the baseline! Long story. Anyway, I had hoped to have a test every week or other week so we can monitor her progress. )

Please keep us informed if Pauling's recommendations help with your pain.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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