Heart Blockage, Angiogram scheduled.... which product?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Heart Blockage, Angiogram scheduled.... which product?

Post by ofonorow » Sat Apr 08, 2017 9:22 am

Hello Owen,

I have been diagnosed with heart blockage probably in one or more arteries, having failed a stress test. I have a scheduled angiogram test next Wednesday to confirm this and they want to insert stents if needed. I will make a decision about proceeding with this test by Monday.

In the meantime, on a parallel path, I want to begin a Pauling heart supplement therapy immediately to try and halt further blockage. My question is which product do you think will be most efficacious in reducing/reversing and preventing new blockage for my situation, cardio-c, heart tech or cardioade?

I would like an immediate response if possible so I can order them right away.

Thank you,


Go to the drug store, purchase vitamin C and lysine as 500 mg tablets (Nature's Way is a good brand) and work up to 10 pills of each per day. Here is some guidance http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11577 The point is that you can start on Pauling's invention/therapy today!

If nothing else, it will teach you how easy and convenient the drink mixes are.

As far as the stents. I would try to delay the proceudre. The problem is that it may require some time to reverse the condition. In my opinion, so long as you start taking at least 5000 mg of vitamin C (10,000 mg daily even better) you may experience some improvement in a fairly short period of time (.e.g angina should be gone well within a month), but if there is calcium hardening the arterie, it can take up to one year to clear, and you would need to add Vitamin K (e.g. Super-K from LEF.ORG) to move the calcium from soft tissue back into your bones.

To cover all bases, you might try the strategy of one Tower Ascorsine-9, plus one or two of either Heart Tech or Cardio-C.. So one serving of A-9 daily, and the other 1 or 2 servings of HT or Cardio-C.

If you went with only Cardio-C, then don't forget magnesium, CoQ10, a good natural vitamin E and vitamin K.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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