Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 06, 2016 7:21 am

He died shortly after marrying the young women. What I know was passed through Ralph Lotz, who knew and had met with Jeff. Ralph may have a better memory, but I believe he (like so many others) had moved on to other protocols after getting "cured" of CVD. I got an email where he told me he had backed of the vitamin C and that he believed that as a "well person" a good diet was the only thing required. It has been a common theme that people who feel "well" stop taking the "mega dose" vitamin C, succumbing to the propaganda barrage against vitamins in the media. They have no idea what may be going on inside their arteries.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by TommyTurtle » Fri Apr 14, 2017 1:56 pm

I was diagnosed with CAD in Oct 16 after suffering a TIA. Calcium Score 211 and my Lp(a) 610. I read re the Pauling Therapy as well as Niacin therapy and self-administered 5 g Vitamin C and 1.5g Niacin daily for 10 weeks. Blood tests reflected a 58% drop in Lp(a) to 260.

Then supplemented, in addition, with 5.0g Lysine and 2.5g Proline daily for a further 10 weeks. My Lp(a) levels increased to 310. However, and quite surprisingly, my overall LDL levels dropped over 25%. These have been persistently high and have previously refused to budge even with LCHF diet with intermittent fasting daily.

Is this drop in LDL an observed effect? I haven't been able to find anything about this. Also I note earlier in this thread that one contributor states that Lysine-bound Lp(a) will still show up in the blood test. Can this be confirmed?

No support from my doctor in all this. Says I am wasting my time and money and should be going on statins. I'm saying to him to wait until next CT scan in November (12 months) and see Calcium progression. Normally would expect 30% to 35% increase. I'm realistically expecting much smaller increase.

I'm also supplementing L-Citrulline, CoQ10, Vit E, Krill Oil and K2-MK7 as per recommendations. Also Vit B which has reduced my Homocysteine from 12.0 to 7.3 umol/L(these are Australian measurements which may be expressed differently). My Lipids are (in mmol/L): HDL 2.19, Trigs 0.7, LDL 4.5, TC 7.0. I'm 62 y/o male with BMI 21 and body fat 19% (DEXA) and fit/active.

For next phase I'm increasing Vit C up to 10g, Lysine 10g and Proline 5g to observe tolerance and impacts on Lp(a) and LDL.

Any observations or suggestions from others on this journey?

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by Joanna45 » Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:40 pm

Hi Tommy Turtle:
Just a question have you taken vitamin C to bowel tolerance..because that is how much your system needs..
My CVD was not in my heart but in my superior mesenteric artery and mesenteric celiac Artery which feeds blood to the stomach.. my symptoms were severe stomach pain immediately after eating..and had all the tests done EKG stress test.. then had a mesenteric duplex ultrasound that finally found the problem..and at first I was taking up to 14g of Vit.c and 6g of Lysine ..noticed a big difference in a week..could eat again and regained my energy ..after 6 months went to 6g Vit.c and 6g Lysine.500mg of proline also..and as I'm physically active..I'm back to normal activities..skied 45 days this winter...I'm 71 and am so thankful I found this site and all the people who helped me on here..
Last month I had a lipoprotein a test done and it was 12mg/dl. An want to see it even lower maybe around 3. My lipid panel was very good total cholesterol. 187 Hdl.74 ldl 102 . Triglycerides 53 ..
Regards ps..also had a c reactive protein test done which was normal..

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by TommyTurtle » Sat Apr 15, 2017 4:12 am

Hi Joanna
No, I haven't taken to bowel tolerance. I've now been taking 10g last couple of days and no adverse reaction. So I just keep upping until I do? I'm taking buffered Vit C - does this make any difference? It's great having a community of people who can assist and encourage each other. Not a lot of support from the medical community particularly in relation to Lp(a).

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by Joanna45 » Sat Apr 15, 2017 5:19 am

Hi Tommy
In the beginning I took pure vitamin C in a powder form or ascorbic acid and Lysine which I bought from the health food store..when that started to work I switched to heart tech from tower labs as it has all the ingredients in one jar in a powder form and they follow Linus Pauling's protocol. I am currently taking 2 jars a month..I also bought Owen Fonorow's book Practicing Medicine Without A License. And always recommend it ..I know so many people with the beginnings of heart disease but so many don't believe it ...they just keep doing statins and stents and anticoagulants. You see it seems to be to simple a fix.
they just can't seem to believe it..


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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by Joanna45 » Sat Apr 15, 2017 9:40 am

I read it because I wanted to know how to treat CVD doctors were not helping me at all..when you have time look up superior mesenteric artery narrowing and how there is no good fix for it. And when the superior celiac artery is narrowed to the stomach eating is so painful you can't eat ..and if you read my post you would no that that is now all gone away why would you not want to read it he explains what Linus Pauling discovered about Vitamin C and Lysine.

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by Joanna45 » Sat Apr 15, 2017 9:43 am

And Zafras I eat healthy no sugar and very few carbs ..Whole and natural foods from the farm to market food is not always the answer but it helps with keeping you healthy..for me it was not enough apparently.

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by TommyTurtle » Sat Apr 15, 2017 1:54 pm

Diet is a very individual thing. I've cut out most processed foods and reduced carb intake, including sugar, to around 50g per day. I have moderate protein and high fat. I have naturally lost all the excess weight (70 lb) without hunger. My body is now self-regulating my weight. I used to wake with brain fog and depression which has disappeared. I now refer to this as a 'carb overhang'.

So diet is individual and what works best for your body.

Getting back to Vitamin C and health. I have been doing extensive reading in nutrition and it is allowing me to take control of my health from the basis of knowledge. Previously I was blindly following my doctor's advice, which I now realize is heavily tainted by the line that big pharma companies push to sell their products. Doctors, in general, have very little understanding of nutrition and how 'food is medicine'. As a society we are paying dearly for this.

Thanks Joanna, I will purchase the book as I'm interested in learning more and proactively influencing my health outcomes.


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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by TommyTurtle » Sat Apr 15, 2017 2:02 pm

Like Joanna, we have also switched over to organic produce from farmers markets for two reasons:
1. To avoid the pesticide residues which are in mass cultivation and have negative impacts on our bodily organs & gut functioning
2. To get essential micronutrients which are deficient in mass produced foods
We are blessed to be able to afford to buy organic, as I understand that many people are on tight budgets and can't afford the cost for their families.

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by TommyTurtle » Sat Apr 15, 2017 4:05 pm

Hi Zarfas
You're right, you can lose weight and eat the wrong things. I lost weight from an unhealthy and unfit state.

I consume somewhere between 35 to 60g of carbs in a full day. Mainly from vegetables. I don't eat fruit apart from some raspberries and blackberries. I eat two large meals a day between 12:30pm and 6:30pm. Just water and black coffee outside these times. Plenty of 'good' fats and oils from meat, oily fish, olive oil, coconut oil.

Gym at 6am with high intensity interval and strength training.

Not for everyone, but importantly, works for me. I have stamina particularly mental alertness I need in my work. Also used to suffer depression - that's completely gone.

It used to be said you can't change your genetics. Whilst true in what we have inherited, the research in epigenetics is revealing we can either turn on or turn off the expression of genes through diet, lifestyle and environment

So we can't change what we can't change, but there is a heap of things we can do to optimize our individual health, if we choose to do so. Knowledge, with application, is power.

Tommy Turtle is a nickname I got when I was a kid. It just stuck

Cheers Tom


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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by TommyTurtle » Sat Apr 15, 2017 5:05 pm

Yep, I'm not used to internet boards at all Zarfas. An ignorant moron haha! Different era I guess. I have to go back and correct if I've left out an apostrophe! Cheers

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by TommyTurtle » Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:17 am

Actually I was joking and referring to myself as the ignorant moron Zarfas. Apologies if you read it as being directed to you. I'm ignorant in relation to internet boards and protocols. I find it hard to read and understand many of the abbreviated language and slang used. So when I post, I do in the old-fashioned way using the English I learnt at school. If this makes me a moron, so be it, and I'll accept it with humour!

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Re: Vit c, lysine or proline for most benefit?

Post by TommyTurtle » Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:22 am

Yes, you have successfully tutored me not to sign my posts! So there's some hope in teaching dinosaurs...

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