ULTRAFine™ Vitamin C Quali-C® Powder
Main Property: Rapid absorption of ascorbic acid into the blood stream. Physicians made us aware of the ultrafine grade of DSM Quali-C®.
UltraFINE‘s basic properties are similar to our 300 gram “fine” Quali-C ascorbic acid powder, but with smaller particles, almost talcum powder-like, the product mixes better in water and more enters the bloods stream.
Suggested Usage
The UltraFINE Vitamin C (ultrafine grade powder) is our most effective product. 1 gram per day would last almost a year, while 10 grams per day would last one month. Linus Pauling himself took 18,000 mg of ascorbic acid daily and recommended that everyone take from 6,000 mg to 18,000 mg daily, not skipping even a single day.
Order UltraFINE at our online store
Vitamin C Foundation Approved® is a registered trademark of the Vitamin C Foundation
Quali-C® is a registered trademark of the DSM Nutritional Products
- These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration
- “This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease”