Success with Vitamin C for Mercury Poisoning

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Success with Vitamin C for Mercury Poisoning

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 14, 2009 5:17 am


First of all...thank you for the vitamin c foundation is truly a gift to humanity.

I called in and had a question and was referred to you for you level of expertise. I hope you can help.

My sister had mercury poisoning from a silver amalgam that leached into her gumline. She went to Hal Huggins and has made a trememdous recovery. However, she still has some pain when she wakes up in the morning do to re=idual mercury being detoxed during her sleep. When she takes the lypospheric vitamin c upon waking she is fine within an hour. you know of any time released vitamin c that will stay in yours ystem overnight..or at least a much longer that she doesn't have to wake up in pain every morning? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Once again..thank you for the website..I'm sure you have touched thousands of lives and many never get the chance to say thank you. Thank you for your time.


I am sorry that your sister was poisoned, but I am glad she found relief. Your account of the benefit of vitamin C w/r mercury poisoiningis very interesting.

(I am sure you have googled for other methods of mercury detox,including hot saunas, etc.)

The half life of vitamin C in the blood stream is 30 minutes, meaning the more she takes, the longer it will last. If she can tolerate a large amount before bed time, the vitamin will remain in her system 8-12 hours. By large, I mean 9000 to 10,000 mg. If this dose is too large, find a dose she can tolerate, and then add 1 or 2 packets of Lypo-C before bed.

I suspect this approach will work better than a time released capsule, but you can experiment with both.

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Success with Vitamin C for Mercury Poisoning

Post by DanSco » Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:06 am

Mercury? I would suggest viewing the videos by Dr Brownstein on this site:

Note: I am not a doctor nor do I pretend to be one on the internet. Do not duplicate what I do without a pat on the head from your doctor and a note from your mommy.

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Re: Success with Vitamin C for Mercury Poisoning

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:30 am

I had one more question for you Owen. I appreciate your help and thank you for you prompt attention to my previous email.

The intravenous vitamin c works wonders for my sister with mercury is expensive and she needs it 2-3 times a week to feel optimal all the time..the pill form and even the lypo give her gastrointestinal issues along with the sodium ascorbate.

The question is..will the 50 gram vitamin c injections work as well as 50 grams intravenously?

This would save a tremendous amount of time and money..I'm just trying to ponder a way that won't upset her stomach that will work effectively..and because she has so much mercury in her body..the pill form and lypospheric just doesn't get enough vitamin c in her body to completely take away her symptoms..

Thank you kindly,

You will have to tell us. There is a group in Australia with great experience who pushes the injections over the IV, and even Dr. levy has discussed a "push" that can get IV amounts over with in a short time like the injection. But 50 grams via injection??

I am not sure if this is the Levy article I was thinking of, but you should check out:

We would be interested in your sister's experience and report. I do not know how you might be able to get 50 grams via an ordinary injection.

I am also surprised the Lypo-C causes a reaction. What kind of reaction? Has she had her stomach acid checked? It is natural to have strong stomach acid, and strong acid improves the absorption of vitamin C in the stomach. She might take a look at the Dr. Jonathan Wright book WHY STOMACH ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU.

Finally, have you watched the Brownstein video? She would be wise to try the dosage or iodoral (about 5 pills daily) that causes mercury to be excreted in the urine.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Success with Vitamin C for Mercury Poisoning

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:26 am


I have great news..We had a Picc line placed and with about 10 intravenous drips of 75 grams sister is remarkably better! And has stayed better!

However, I have noticed a dramatic difference between the absorbic acid sold by commercial distributors such as mcguff for intravenous use and the sodium ascorbate that Cathcart made up himself. We have used the Sodium ascorbate (made up according to Cathcart's formula) and noticed much better recovery especially when it comes to the brain related issues..

I noticed the absorbic acid is much more viscous then the formula that was made using cathcarts protocol..catchcarts is bright yellow and the absorbic acid sold by mcguff is not.

Could it be possible that Cathcart and Klenners formula is dramatically superior in regards to healing the brain because it crosses the blood brain barrier better???

I would really appreciate your expertise on this subject as I was not able to find much information about the differences between the two types of vitamin c for intravenous use on the internet.



Glad to hear this.

Well, you are right - the yellow indicates dehydroascorbate, but I wonder how the commercial product avoids the yellow? Question for the forum.

Your intuition is probably correct, according to Sherry Lewin, dehydroascorbate can penetrate lipid membranes easier (with less energy) than regular ascorbate.

The commercial isn't really ascorbic acid, is it?

We know that vitamin C in fluid degrades by 50% in 4 hours, and this is the reason Cathcar'ts procedure left the ascorbate as a "sludge" in the bottom of the bag until just before administration. So less surface area wouldn't react as quickly with water and degrade as much.

Out of curiousity, is your sister taking other supplements or chelation, e.g. alpha lipoic acid?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Success with Vitamin C for Mercury Poisoning

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:20 am

She is on the Huggins protocol for mercury detox. However we did this for months with little noticeable help. She used alpha lipoic acid but had to stop it because of an allergy to it. I know that sounds weird to me too. His supplements are on this page below. When the mercury was removed from her mouth a 60% reduction in symptoms happened practically overnight..but then for months nothing really made a difference ...even all the vitamin protocol from huggins..until we started the intravenous c treatments. Then the difference was amazing and very fast. ... hp?cat=251

The "allergy" symptoms to alpha lipoic acid indicates the caution by other posters here may have a basis in fact.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Success with Vitamin C for Mercury Poisoning

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:27 am

Thanks for the quick reply Owen.

Here is Mcguff's absorbic acid for intravenous use. It is absorbic acid.

My sisters condition was mercury poisoning from an amalgam in her mouth that leached into her gum line. Just to give you an idea of how sick she was...she had severe pain in her arms and legs..heart pain..losing her eyesight..horrific depression..lower back pain..from a 1 to a 10 her pain levels were a 10 for at least 5 hours a day. Nothing would end this pain and suffering except when she took lyposheric vitamin c it would knock the pain down about 40%. She was months from death at the age of 31. We went to Dr. Huggins to have the amalgam tatooing removed. Gave her 10 treatments of 75 grams intravenous vitamin c. Her symptoms are close to non existent now. I can not thank you enough from the bottom of my heart for your website as it has so much invaluable information.

A Picc line ( ... l_catheter ) was placed because her veins were so scherlosed from having iv's before for months..(before we ever had the mercury removed) and because of her peripheral neuropathy made starting iv's very painful. The picc line allows someone to get iv treatment without having to start and iv each time.

However, the [commercial] absorbic acid by iv is very sclerlosing to the veins. Sodium ascorbate..Cathcarts formula does not sclerose the veins. Once the veins are sclerosed they are gone forever. Doctors don't know this and constantly destroy veins. We went to a special infusion nurse to learn this.

One last thing. I have not found anything on the internet about how to treat chronic poisoning such as poisoning from mercury. We have found through trial and error it is best to cycle the treatments. Say one 75 gram drip every 3 days for 4 treatments. Then 2 weeks off. This allows the body to cleanses out the toxins that have built up from the prior treatments. If you don't give the body this break it will crash. The herxheimer effect is very obvious. As soon as the patient becomes exhausted and tired..its time to give them a break for at least a week.

Have you found any information about how to correctly treat chronic poisoning with vitamin C intravenously? If so please email the links.

Thanks again!


The commercial product is buffered, to make it less acidic, but according to Dr. Levy, probably not enough. Thank you for your report/contribution to our knowledge.

I don't really know the answer to that question. However, the commercial IVC bottles are buffered to end up from 5.5 to 7.0 in pH. When you mix up sodium ascorbate according to Cathcart's instruction, it reliably comes in at a pH of 7.0 to 7.4. I would imagine that the less acidic (or more alkaline) anything is, the passage across the blood-brain barrier will be at least a bit facilitated. Remember that more alkaline is more antioxidant and electron-rich, like alkaline water. These days I strongly recommend drinking alkaline water as well for the added antioxidant impact and the facilitation of passage of solutes across the cell membrane.
Dr. Levy
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Success with Vitamin C for Mercury Poisoning

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:32 am

Thanks Owen!

The difference between the 2 different types of [intravenous] Vitamin C is so dramatic to me that its obvious that Cathcarts formula is vastly superior.

Well, all we can do is to continue trying to get that word out. Your experience is strong support for that view.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Success with Vitamin C for Mercury Poisoning

Post by VanCanada » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:17 am

Just a word of caution about doing something or not doing something based on the Herxheimer Reaction:
pinkfeet2000 (blacksav) wrote:
"He is having bad headaches, which the Lyme community would name as Herxheimer reactions."
Andy Cutler: "Yes, the usual excuse for inappropriate and harmful therapies to be continued until they do some real damage is something like Herxheimer reaction or healing crisis."

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Re: Success with Vitamin C for Mercury Poisoning

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:45 am

Which is it? I don't follow that second sentence. That these reactions occur is beyond dispute. Obviously, one should back off when the liver is complaining (herxheimer) right?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Success with Vitamin C for Mercury Poisoning

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:50 am

Continuing with ALA "toxicity" discussion
good question...however at the time she was taking alpha lipoic..she still had mercury in her mouth..(this is before we knew that was the problem) and so when she stopped..we were doing so many different things its hard to know if the alpha lipoic withdrawal was an issue or the time she was in so much pain and suffering its very hard to see if stopping the alpha lipoic had any effect..

I'm here to answer any questions you have...your welcome to speak with my sister or any time..its the least I can do considering what you have contributed with your website.

I also have seen the most amazing difference in my brother with Cathcarts formula..and I mean amazing Owen.

I have given him about 10 drips at 100grams each of absorbic acid from mcguff. There was about a 60% improvement in symptoms. His issues were all brain related unlike my sisters. He has taken many different pharmaceutical drugs that left him having trouble with many different things. He had problems with human interaction.. feeling feelings of fear, anxiety, severe sensitivity to bright light and loud noise. (I know this all happened after use of benzodiazepines that cause a paradoxical effect..meaning they cause you to have these symptons after you have taken them..see ) I know these problems were all caused by brain toxins as before he took these drugs that made him ill and kept him ill...he loved to be the center of attention and was extremely quick witted...not to mention he didn't have the sensitivity to light and sound.

So I gave him 100 grams of Cathcarts formula and in hour of the drip he became extremely sensitive to light and sound and couldn't take even the slightest noise or even watch a movie. (All his symptoms came back..but worse than ever) This is obvious herheimer response to me that is caused by Cathcarts formula penetrating the blood brain barrier and chelating out brain toxins. This never happened at all on mcguffs

The next day he woke up like a new man...laughing, joking, sharp as a tack. My sister and I have seen more improvement in him with 2 drips of catchcarts formula than 10 of mcguffs! It is shocking to say the least.

Its obvious to me there is a dramatic difference between to two formulas that is not well documented. He never had any of those symptoms when on the absorbic acid drips from mcguff.

Keep up the great work Owen. Thank you.

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Success with Vitamin C for Mercury Poisoning

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:36 am

More on the issue whether the sister still requires weekly IVs - she does not.

Actually..before we knew the mercury in her mouth was the issue..because of her severe problems..we sent her to an intergrated medicine doctor that normally charges $330,000 for a 12 week treatment. Ironically most of what he does is intravenously vitamin c. Ofcourse ...most people that fly in on their private jets are happy to pay the money to cure their cancer or other illness. Well, he hooked my sister up to 30-50 grams of intravenous c and other b vitamins for 3 months..every 2 days..for 8 hours a day! This destroyed her veins..because he was using the absorbic acid from mcguff..not Catchcarts formula..Cathcarts..claimed his formula is very gentle on the veins..and he NEVER had any problems with sclerosed veins. Long story short..that kept my sister alive for 3 months..but when she went back to Los Angeles where she lived..she crashed horribly and all the pain and suffering came back. thats when I was furious and decided to find out what the hell was going on with her on my own. I noticed during treatment at this doctor she went to that during the Intravenous C treatments her gums would get swollen but only around her bring..that led me to believe that the bridge might have been an issue..which led me to dr. huggins..which led me to learning about vitamin c..

After huggins team removed the dental mercury..and other toxic metals..she was almost immediately 60% better..but trying to chelate the rest out with his protocol was just too i insisted on more intravenous c treatments..which worked quickly and remarkably well. However, her veins were now destroyed and she couldn't get any more intravenous vitamin c. So I found Michael Anne from and we drove up to see her...because she is a specialist in infusion treatment..and she said my sisters veins were shot and to get a picc now we have a picc line..and she is getting her vitamin c again..keep in mind that because her veins were shot..we couldn't get any ivc in for about a month..and she stayed stable..because the 10 ivc treatments she had after huggins...brought her to a new level of health..but i wanted to make sure all of the poison was gone because she wasn't 100% we got the picc line and now if you see her you would never know she was ill. She looks like the picture of health.

So she does not need 2-3 treatments a week keep her healthy..she is stable without them..but we just want to knock out the rest of the toxicity in her body that is left over to be sure..

If only the doctor that was giving her 2-3 treatments a week knew about Cathcarts formula..her veins would never have been destroyed permanently by the commericially available absorbic acid.

One more thing..her mind is getting much sharper...and I know that is because Cathcarts formula gets past the blood brain barrier much much much better. This makes me think that all the other brain related toxin issues such as Alzheimers, parkinsons, autism...could be dramatically affected..but only by catchcarts formula..not the commericially available absorbic acid.

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Success with Vitamin C for Mercury Poisoning

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:39 am

If only the doctor that was giving her 2-3 treatments a week knew about Cathcarts formula..her veins would never have been destroyed permanently by the commericially available absorbic acid.

No names, but if that $330,000 wasn't a misprint, then I for one would support a law suit against that doctor for the damage to your sister's veins (if nothing else, a refund). Even $33,000 would be outrageous and unconscionable.

One more question, you say you are using Cathcart's formula, where are you getting the sodium ascorbate from?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Success with Vitamin C for Mercury Poisoning

Post by J.Lilinoe » Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:37 pm

WOW what a story :shock:
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