Double size PaulingTherapy™ Drink Mix ( 60 servings)

Cardio-C™ XL is the most economical Cardio-C™ Pauling-Therapy Drink Mix
Main Property: Affordability: One jar can last two months. Avoidance of scores of pills otherwise required to achieve Linus Pauling’s recommended dosages. No GMOs, fillers or excipients.
As the equivalent of two jars of our original Cardio-C™, Cardio-C™ (XL) drink mix costs 30 percent less per serving
The drink provides Linus Pauling’s specific Vitamin C and L-Lysine recommendations. The pleasant tasting Cardio-C XL™ drink is much easier to swallow than the large number of equivalent dosages as pills or capsules. The formula includes the important amino acid proline. Usually mixed with 6 to 8 oz of water or juice.
The Cardio-C™ dietary supplement formula has not changed since it was introduced circa 2005.
Vitamin C as L-ascorbic acid | 2,500 mg |
L-lysine | 2,500 mg |
L-proline | 500 mg |
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) | 1 mg |
Other Ingredients | Stevia |
The Vitamin C (as L-ascorbic acid) is Vitamin C Foundation Approved®
Usage and Dosage Recommendations
One to three servings of this drink mix provides Linus Pauling’s specific Vitamin C and Lysine recommendations.
Order Cardio-C XL from our online store.
The Cardio-C™ dietary supplements have a long history as described in Owen’s books.
Note: FREEZE (don’t refrigerate) Cardio-C™ and Cardio-C™ XL Powders for indefinite shelf life
Cardio-C™ is a trademark of Inteligent*Vitamin*C Inc
Vitamin C Foundation Approved® is a registered trademark of the Vitamin C Foundation
Pauling-therapy™ is a trademark of Owen R. Fonorow
- These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration
- This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease