CONQUER Liposomal D-Fraction C – (Mushroom Wisdom/Quali-C®).
Main Property: The powerful liposomal formula is based on the Sunsuke Konno, et. al. published research on vitamin C and Mushroom Wisdom D-Fraction.
Inteligent’s CONQUER is a mixture of Mushroom Wisdom Maitake Mushroom D-Fraction® and sodium L-ascorbate and L-ascorbic acid as Quali-C® encapsulated in liposomes. At this time, CONQUER is the only True-liposomal product encapsulating Mushroom Wisdom Maitake D-Fraction® and European L-ascorbates.
Usage and Dosage Recommendations
We recommend starting slow, e.g. one serving per day, and gradually working up. Best taken with other forms of vitamin C throughout the day.
Order CONQUER online at our online store
- These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration
- “This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease”