There is no easier way to obtain high-powered True-liposomes.
CELLg8® technology creates the most potent liposomes . . .
. . . from dry powder inside of capsules.
Inteligent*Vitamin*C now offers a new advanced form of True Liposomal Vitamin C – in Capsules. The CellG8 liposomes form inside the body. This novel technology is at least 300% more bioavailable than traditional liquid liposomes.
The new PANACEA PRO CAPS™ encapsulate high potency China-FREE DSM Quali-C® in easy to swallow capsules, without flavoring or fillers.
Usage and Dosage Recommendations
At this time, we believe that a lower dosage is required than our legacy liquid PANACEA liposomal vitamin C.
For best results, take daily with a full glass of water. CELLg8® capsules are designed to be taken with water on an empty stomach, e.g., first thing in the morning, or before bed.
“Going through detox without drinking enough water is like taking the trash to the curb with no waste-management service to pick it up.”
When going through any sort of detox program it’s a good idea to drink lemon or lime water first thing in the morning. Once detoxification has drawn the gunk out of your cells and tissues (your liver does much of its work overnight), it needs to be flushed out when you wake up –otherwise, those toxins settle back in.
Anthony William (Life-Changing Foods)
How do Cellg8® powders and capsules work? Cellg® delivery technology liposomes are made of tiny lipid bubbles that can be formed around various ingredients in a solution.
With Cellg8® powders, the lipids wrap around the actives, but without the water. Here is one way to look at it. If Cellg8® liposomes are grapes, Cellg8® powders are raisins. These raisins can be put into capsules for ease of use.In the stomach, the capsule dissolves and releases the Cellg8® powder which protects the active ingredient from being degraded by stomach acid. They also protect the stomach from anything in the liposome that might be irritating and cause stomach upset.
After the liposomes pass into the small intestine, they plump up just like a raisin plums up when you soak it in water again- then they are ready to be absorbed into the bloodstream. The liposomes go where they are needed in the body, then release their nutrient payload.
This results in many times higher blood levels of the nutrient or botanical than after not taking non Cellg8® preparations. Make your supplements better, safer, and easier to take with Cellg8® liposomes – Online Feedback
(800) 894-9025
Main Office: The Vitamin C Foundation,
24W500 Maple Avenue, Suite 107,
Naperville IL 60540
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
PANACEA PRO CAPS™ is a trademark of Inteligent*Vitamin*C Inc
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