Dr. Shulze herbdoc.com raises questions about real vit C

What is vitamin C? Is there such a thing as a vitamin C complex? Why do so many people now believe in the complex?

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Dr. Shulze herbdoc.com raises questions about real vit C

Post by ofonorow » Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:17 pm

I recently saw a presentation by Dr. Schulze where he advised how the majority of Vitamin C comes from China -its made with GMO corn, treated with acetone, oxidized further with Carboxylic Acid, and finally bleached with clorex. Obviously, we are looking for a different solution. Although your Vitamin C offers many features we are looking, I can't find any info on how
it is manufactured. We are very concerned about that process since Dr. Schulze raised these issues. Can you provide any info? Many thanks!!

Can you please provide more information about the good doctor? His full name, perhaps a link to his web site? PhD? We know most of the experts in vitamin C and have never heard of him, except for these kind of claims which are usually made by the uninformed.

If you would like to read excellent and authoritative material about vitamin C, I can recommend several sources and books, starting with Linus Pauling's book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER (1986)

We started the Foundation before we began selling vitamin C. VCF was formed in 1996, and we began selling vitamin C in 2005. People continually asked us for our opinion about the "best brand". We did some research and we are comfortable stating that ours is the best - purest vitamin C available, made by the company that first began producing vitamin C after its molecular structure had been identified. Many highly sensitive people are our best customers because they don't react to our products, as they react to others. Our products are more expensive than Chinese vitamin C, but we use a portion of sales to fund the nonprofit Vitamin C Foundation.

Thanks for your quick reply!! I'll dig out Dr. Schulze's info/website and send it to you via another email. He is well respected. But I would appreciate it if you could address my concern. Are these manufacturing practices common in manufacturing Vitamin C - "treated with acetone, oxidized further with Carboxylic Acid, and finally bleached with clorex"???

These are scare tactics that have no relevancy to the end product which is ultra pure ascorbic acid, C6H8O6, even if true.

The problem with the so-called Natural products that propagate this partially erroneous information is that these products are thousands of times more expensive - gram for gram. We published a paper some time ago on the controversy

Or is the Vitamin C you recommend processed differently? I don't need finite details - just advice whether yours is or isn't processed this way (without so many chemicals). It does make me feel good that yours is the purest vitamin C available.

You may contact DSM (quali-c.com) regarding manufacturing details but I am quite certain they are proprietary. Might do a patent search.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my latest email. I found the info for you on Dr. Richard Schulze.

He did a three-part compelling video series on Vitamin C. The following URL is for Part Two. This is where he explains about the Chinese manufactured Vitamin C:

http://herbdocblog.com/article/Video/dr ... t-get-old/

This is the URL for his other site: www.herbdoc.com

Again, thanks so much for the info you sent me.

Here is a link to his "new" Super-C - note this is NOT vitamin C.

He implies it contains vitamin C but there is no use of "vitamin C on the label". I could not find supplement facts, but whatever vitamin C there may be in the product, may be lost during manufacturing. You would probably obtain more real vitamin C by eating fresh fruit, say an orange.


He is not calling this vitamin C. It is not vitamin C. I believe this is quite deceptive. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Dr. Shulze herbdoc.com raises questions about real vit C

Post by tjohnson_nb » Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:56 pm

'Always' and 'never' are 2 words you should always remember never to use.

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Re: Dr. Shulze herbdoc.com raises questions about real vit C

Post by ofonorow » Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:46 am

I found "submit a question to Dr. Shulze" who says he "hates liars." http://herbdocblog.com/ask-dr-schulze/

For the record, this was my question:

Dear Dr. Schulze,
We are the Vitamin C Foundation, being disciples of Linus Pauling, wonder why people should believe you about the so-called "Natural Vitamin C Complex?" For one thing, it is not natural to most animal species on earth, most of which make their own ascorbate 2/47 in their kidneys or livers. No animal makes the so-called "Vitamin C Complex." I note that you don't call your product vitamin C - that which cures the deficiency disease scurvy - but you imply it has the same properties. No person in a coma could be kept alive without ascorbic acid in their nutrition. There isn't a hospital in the world that would try to keep a patient alive on a "Natural C Complex" and not provide vitamin C - that which cures scurvy. We believe that you have every right to promote a natural vitamin-c complex as healthful, but to imply it is the "real" vitamin C, and that people don't require vitamin C - ascorbic acid, is irresponsible.
Owen Fonorow
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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