new to Vit C, no BT hit after 36 grams in a day.

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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new to Vit C, no BT hit after 36 grams in a day.

Post by Lorik » Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:47 pm

I am new here. After following Andrew Saul for a while and getting his book Doctor yourself just last week, I started taking Vit C on Saturday. I bought a bunch of supplements and vitamins he suggested in book but only taking a few as of now. I am 49 yo femaile, not aware that I have any major health issues. Have not been to a doctor in about 3 years now- no health insurance. Have had chronic back pain since 2005, MRI shows dengenerative disc, osteoarthritis, nerve impingement but no bulging disc-not sure exactly what else is on there without finding paperwork, had gallbladder removed in 2006-2007, had fallopian tubes and one ovary removed in 2005-ish, had a mouth full of fillings and after 2 plus years of tooth infections and teeth just breaking off, got them all removed and dentures in 2012. Have always ate SAD up to about a year and a half ago, try to eat more fruit and veggies, organic foods, grass feed local meats, low processed foods, barely anything that comes in a box or a can, majorly reduced sugar consumption. hoping to help back pain get better and improve my memory and concentration, and just getting healthier, sorry if too long, just trying to give a bit of history. Even with healthy eating I continue to stay constipated-thought I would get pretty cleaned out with Vitamin C flush. On Saturday I took about 36 grams of Vitamin C, powder , in about a 5 hour span, a little tummy grumple but nothing else. finally stopped thinking i didnt get a good brand maybe. bought another brand on Sunday and started again, took 31 grams in about 3 hours and again nothing. Late Sunday evening i did have a soft BM but nothing like I thought.. I also took a Calcium 1000mg/Magnesium 400mg one time on each day. At this point I am just not sure how much to take, that just seems like a lot to me. Monday I took 5 doses of 4.5 grams about every 2 hours and then 2.25 was last dose for a total of 25 grams. Also on Monday I took 3 doses of Calcium/Magnesium, and took 1 dose of 2000IU of vitamin D, and 3 doses of a B & C complex-meant to only buy B-complex, but vitamin aisle got really confusing. Tuesday i just cut down to 2.5 doses every 2 hours for a total of 15-16 grams, and also added in a 1/4th of a 250 mg Niacin tablet- 3 doses thru day. Have been a bit gassy since Monday but nothing excessive. Just looking for advice on how to proceed. Bought about 5 more supplements that I would like to slowly incorporate but trying to add slowly, so if something doesnt agree with me I will have an idea of what it is, because I have noticed alot of them have lots of added ingredients. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me .

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Re: new to Vit C, no BT hit after 36 grams in a day.

Post by thomsen » Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:49 am

Dr. Thomas Levy strongly warns against calcium supplements: Calcium, the Toxic Supplement, so maybe you should drop the calcium.

With regard to your backpain: I used to suffer from backpain and pain in my arms, wrists, and shoulders from typing ("repetitive strain injury"). I tried antiinflammatory medication, cold compression, and physical therapy, but nothing seemed to work (this was before I started learning about nutrition, so I didn't try that). I had heard about the work of Dr. John Sarno on "tension myositis syndrome" on the Internet, and, despite seeming kooky to me at the time, in desperation I looked into it. Within a few days I could type freely again, and within a couple of weeks the pain was virtually gone. I still have flare ups once in a while (in my back or my arms), but it is becoming increasingly rare and it is never anywhere near as bad as it used to be.

Dr. Sarno believes that most chronic pain is actually psychosomatic. It sounds kooky, but I think he argues his case well in his books, and the rapid recovery of so many people otherwise thought to have physical injuries shows that there must be something to it.

I would highly recommend reading his book The Mindbody Prescription: Healing the Body, Healing the Pain (and look at the overwhelming amount of positive testimonials on 20/20 did a segment on Dr. Sarno in 1999, which I would also recommend watching:

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Re: new to Vit C, no BT hit after 36 grams in a day.

Post by Lorik » Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:06 am

Thank you, watched 20/20 interview and will be looking for his book at library. My back pain started within a week of my mother dying. I have always said she transferred her back pain to me when she passed. This makes so much more sense. There was certainly some angry feelings around her passing. I remember asking doctor if pain had anything to do with her passing and the stress and she said "absolutely not". This was the same Doctor that refused to do any blood work for vitamins or minerals or hormone levels, and also told me my diet had no effect on my health. Glad I have finally educated myself. Thank you for link.

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