The Vitamin C Foundation


provides the highest quality vitamin C products on the market.
All Our Vitamin C is Vitamin C Foundation.ORG Approved®.

Product Descriptions and Suggested Usage

Click on a Product Links below for more detailed information.

Cardio-C (XM) Pauling Therapy Maintenance Drink Mix

CONQUER Liposomal D-Fraction C – (Quali-C)

DETOX-C™ CELLg8® LIPOSOMAL Vitamin C Complex (coming soon)

Deprecated Products

What our customers tell us…

Internet Sensation Jared Rand Discusses His Personal Experience with Cardio-C™

“I swear by it..”
“Cleanest, best vitamin C…”
“I’ve used Cardio-C for years…”
“I know people who have used it for many years.. Cardio-C has kept them alive..”
“Caller: After heart attack… I took myself off all meds… 2 scoops daily..Doc gave me a complete clean bill of health on my heart…”
“Just Spectacular…”
“About the company: I’m been using them for ages.. they are really good.. a good group of people..”
– Jared Rand

Vitamin C Foundation Approved® is a registered trademark of the Vitamin C Foundation.

Quali-C® is a registered trademark of DSM Nutritional Products .

Cardio-C™ is a trademark of Inteligent*Vitamin*C Inc

CELLg8® is a registered trademark of Nutritional Biomimetics LLC.

FREEZE (don’t refrigerate) CARDIO-C Powders for indefinite shelf life

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